Here are my dolls! May I introduce to you Paige, Cece, Caterina and Dana. These are the doll that I currently own. For the longest time, my dolls were just dolls that I used for making doll clothes. They waited around for me to test out new fashions and model finished outfits. They didn't have names and I didn't even clothe them! So after taking a quick poll from other like-minded business people and with the aid of 3 of my grandchildren, my lovely dolls were named and, if not wearing complete outfits at this time, at least have underwear! So some details on these dolls...

Paige is a My Twinn doll. She was rescued from a little second hand consignment shop for $5. My Twinn dolls are trademarked by The Personalized Company LLC. She is a beautiful soft body doll with strawberry blonde - dark blonde hair and light blue eyes. She has long eyelashes, too. She is a 23" doll whose basic measurements are Chest 15", Waist 14.5" and Hips: 16". On the back of her neck it reads "My Twinn An Original Sculpture by Vincent J. DeFilippo. She is has a cloth body covering her from the shoulders to mid-upper arm and to just above the knee. She is semi-posable including her feet (at the ankles).

CeCe is an American Girl Doll and the first doll I ever bought. She's also the doll I used to start MadeMagical. I found CeCe at a neighborhood yard sale. There were many many dolls in this box but she was the only American Girl doll. Oh! The dolls were $3 each! So she was mine! She's got lovely long, dark blonde hair and blue eyes. On the back of her neck reads "Pleasant Company 55H9". This beautiful softbody doll has cloth covering from the base of her neck to her shoulders and down to her hip joints. She is an 18" doll with basic measurements of Chest 11", Waist 11", and Hips 12.5". Only her arms and legs are movable at the shoulders and hips.

Catarina is my newest doll. My granddaughter found her tucked under a table in an old barn antique shop. She hadn't been cared for in quite sometime so for $15 I took her home and cleaned her up as best as I could. She is an Our Generation doll made by Battat and which is on the back of her neck. She has beautiful long dark brown hair with a little bit of wave in it and light blue eyes. Her body is also covered in cloth the same as CeCe above. She is also an 18" doll with basic measurements of Chest 11.5", Waist 11.5" and Hips 12". Like American Girl, only her arms and legs are movable at the shoulder and hips.

And last but not least is little Bitty Baby, Dana. Dana is also made by the Pleasant Company. Dana has brown eyes and a smattering of brown hair (painted on). I found Dana on eBay for $11. This baby doll is 16" high. I keep finding reference to Bitty Baby and Bitty Twin as 15" but a physical measurement is showing 16", This dolls basic measurements are Chest 12", Waist 11.5" and Hips 12". This doll doesn't stand alone and while the arms and legs move at the shoulders and hips, the baby can't be posed. Did ya notice that I haven't said if this baby is a boy or a girl? I don't think it matters much as long as the clothes fit.
So I'll put a synopsis of measurements at the end of this blog to make it easier to know if the doll clothes I make will fit your doll. Basically, all 18" soft body dolls generally fit clothes made for American Girl and vice versa. I also have recently found out that Bitty Baby and Bitty Twin dolls will fit each other. I'm still working on making clothes for Paige (My Twinn 23" doll) I'm undecided as to whether I want to sell patterns, clothes or both for her. We shall see.
Check out my MadeMagical webs page ( to find links to Facebook and my Etsy store. There are beautiful, reasonably priced cothing for 18" and 15"/16" dolls there - pajamas! full outfits! pants! tees! coats! and of course, dresses!
My next blog...... Doll Panties.........
My Twinn (Paige) - Height: 23", Chest: 15", Waist: 14.5", Hips: 16"
American Girl (CeCe) - Height: 18", Chest: 11", Waist: 11", Hips: 12.5"
Our Generation (Catarina) - Height: 18", Chest: 11.5", Waist: 11.5", Hips: 12"
Bitty Baby (Dana) - Height: 16", Chest: 12", Waist: 11.5", Hips: 12"
Note: Bitty Baby clothes will fit Bitty Twin;
Clothes are made for the largest measures shown;
Most other 18" similar dolls usualy fall within these same measurements.
See you soon!
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